Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2023


Dear Friends,

     Once again it is my pleasure to bring you an update of FOMMI happenings. As I begin composing this report, it is softly raining! That may not seem newsworthy, but it has been a long time since we have had rain and our area, along with many others, is in a serious drought. God knows our needs, and 2 Chronicles 26:5 tells us (along with King Uzziah) that “…as long as he sought the LORD, God made him to prosper”. That prospering includes rain when there is a need, and the qualifying “sought the LORD” is done.
     The daily and weekend radio broadcasts continue to reach new listeners. The outlet of Fundamental Broadcasting Network reports the addition of listeners in Tonga and the Falkland Islands, bringing the total to 241 listening countries and locations around the world just through FBN broadcasting. Tonga is an island country in Polynesia consisting of 171 islands with 45 of the islands inhabited by nearly 105,000 souls. The Falkland Islands are a remote South Atlantic archipelago with a population of 3700. This office has heard from listeners in California, North Dakota and Michigan as well as Mexico, Kenya, Pakistan and Myanmar. God continues to bless His Word over the airwaves.
     If any reader would like to receive a CD titled “There Go the Ships”, preached by Fisher-Mund, I would be happy to mail it to you as you provide your USPS address. He gave these to interested people as he traveled to meetings, and I recently discovered there are several hundred sitting on a shelf in the stock area.
     FOMMI has already received some Christmas gifts; thank you! Your thoughtfulness is always appreciated. Please remember that all contributions must be in our office by Friday, December 29, 2023 in order to be recorded on 2023 contribution records, no matter what date is on your check. Your yearly contribution record (total) will be mailed to you in early January 2024. Your faithfulness in prayer and financial support is essential for FOMMI to continue.
     Bro. Jeph Palit-Ang in the Philippines reports Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City, La Union, celebrated Missions Sunday on November 26 and their church anniversary on December 3. They are now supporting six missionaries (2 in Thailand, 2 in Cambodia, and 3 in Bangladesh) with plans to add more. The Bible school continues with one previous graduate helping teach in the school. Bro. Jeph’s daughter, AJ, is also teaching a course on Basics of Philippine Constitution and Laws. (She is a law school graduate waiting on the results of her bar exam.) Many pastors are now in full-time work in the Philippines after being trained in the Bible school.
     Bro. Joe Vest Varghese in India reports they are continuing to reach out in some remote villages, concentrating more on doing door-to-door visiting and as a result some people have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord. The motorbike FOMMI recently provided for one of the evangelists is pictured below. The Bible institute students are growing spiritually and most of them are burdened for their own lost communities. Many young people are addicted to drugs and alcohol. An outreach among the Gypsie colony is growing as many are coming to the saving knowledge of Christ. The tailoring school in this colony is a blessing to many women who have been deserted by their husbands. During Christmas time they will be gifting three sewing machines to them. FOMMI will wire funds ($800) to cover the cost of the machines.
     Bro. Lemon in Bangladesh has experienced problems from the political upheaval in that country preceding their election, as well as from global issues. No particulars can be included here.  However they are trusting in the Lord and continuing on. I am including pictures of watermelon grown on the property they recently purchased. They will be able to grow a crop of watermelon and another crop of rice yearly. They hope to finalize the purchase of the additional property soon. To clarify what I wrote in the October 12, 2023 prayer letter concerning giving funds for individual projects (bicycles $100; cows $450; water tanks $180; boats & nets $450), please continue to designate to these needs as Bro. Lemon has confirmed that he can honor those designations. I am including a picture of water tanks being delivered to the base station property to be transported by water to their intended locations. He recently made a request for $11,000 to fence some of the newly obtained property, dig a pond, and buy a power tiller to till the land for rice and watermelon.  Praise the Lord a donor has already met that need and the funds are being wired. The Bible school is set to resume in February 2024 after the January election. They also are starting a “Foods” giving project from their base station garden. So much activity, but profitable for the ministry of spreading the gospel! Keep praying for them.

Thankful for you,
Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495
[email protected]