Fishers of Men Ministries International

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Prayer Letter & The Cast Net - December 2022


Dear Friends,

    Many years ago Fisher-Mund wrote these words to you, our readers……“Isn’t it a joyful thing to know that God had love for this world of sinners to the point of giving up Heaven’s wonder to descend to this planet to rescue fallen man? He sure came unusually wrapped, but I am glad for what was revealed in that heavenly gift. Because of Christ’s coming (his birth, shed blood, death, and resurrection), I have a home in a land that is fairer than day, with a city of lights beyond my imagination.” This Christmas season is the second year Fisher-Mund has been enjoying lights beyond his (or our) imagination.

     He also wrote to you about “change”, saying that the word had taken its place on his “bad” list just because of its association! The year 2022 has brought change to the saints of God. Some are no longer able to serve the Lord in the same positions they have filled for many years (2 Corinthians 5:1-8) but continue to be faithful to the end (1 Corinthians 4:2). Work and pray as long as you can, then pray as long as you have mental faculties. God will take care of the rest!

     We have all seen change in the cost of living (increase). That financial “crunch” has been felt by everyone, and this ministry has also experienced it. However God continues to faithfully meet the needs for each mission effort. Thank you for your part in prayer and financial support. Our world has change stamped all over it. Those areas where change is not good call out to us as Christians to stand and reverse that. We need God to give us backbone and stamina for 2023 to discern which changes to refuse.

     Fishers of Men Ministries International has not changed it its desire to see individuals brought to a saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We have not changed in our desire to spread the gospel through witnessing, radio broadcasts, the printed page and mission support. We have not changed our desire to see young men who will continue this vision saved, called to preach, and trained in the Bible. We have not changed in promoting daily Bible reading as a necessity for spiritual health.

     The Bible schools in India and the Philippines have not changed in training young preachers. Bro. Varghese in India reports all teachers and students are doing good. Seven young people were recently saved. His mother has been hospitalized but expected to recover. The investment in a motor bike and a bore well have blessed many. Bro. Jeph in the Philippines reports his mother, Rose, slipped on a wet floor and for a few weeks was unable to attend services because she could not sit. Jeph’s wife, Marge, is having difficulty breathing, and even after tests and treatment it continues to be a problem. A new building for worship was dedicated in a very remote place 185 kms. south of San Fernando City (Neuva Vizcaya). Bro. Jeph preached that dedication and 10 people were saved. He also preached an anniversary service for a church in Manila and 25 folks came forward for salvation. By the time this letter goes out Fishers of Men Baptist Church in San Fernando City will have celebrated its 22nd anniversary in November. “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised…” Psalm 145:3. We continue to look forward to the opening of the Bible school in January 2023 in Bangladesh.

     The largest outlet for the broadcasts “A Fisherman’s 5-Minute Look at the Book” and “The Mariner’s Call”, Fundamental Broadcasting Network, reports that God has enlarged that coast by bringing listeners from two new countries for the first time—East Timor, an island country in Southeast Asia, and Kosovo, a developing country in Southeast Europe. That means that through FBN alone the broadcasts are heard in at least 236 countries and locations around the world!

Merry Christmas!

Lenora Mund
Office Manager

Fishers of Men Ministries International
PO Box 400
Bon Secour AL 36511
(251) 752-1495